Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Airport mapsWhich terminal ?

There’s Wi-Fi available throughout all terminals at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport.
Stay connected for free or with a premium option !

Free Wi-Fi

■ Choose WIFI-AIRPORT or WIFI-AIRPORT-STANDARD network and follow the on-screen instructions.

Once registered, you’ll receive free Wi-Fi for the duration of your stay.

Premium Wi-Fi

Enjoy high-speed internet !

■ Select the WIFI-LOYALTY-PROGRAM network (for members of the My Paris Aéroport loyalty program) or choose a Premium option :

Wi-Fi Faster, 20 min. €2.90 or 60min. €5.90

■ Up to 4x faster than free Wi-Fi
■ No advertising when logging in
■ No automatic logout

Wi-Fi Stronger, 24 hr. €9.90

■ Up to 10x faster than free Wi-Fi
■ No advertising when logging in
■ No automatic logout
■ Connect up to 5 devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)