Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Airport maps

Find contact information for Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, including address, postcode, Facebook & Twitter profiles.

Please note that all customer services are currently receiving a large number of phone calls and messages on social networks.
We strongly recommend that you use online forms to contact your airline or Paris Aéroport.

Contact ″Paris Aéroport″

Paris-CDG is operated by Groupe ADP under the brand Paris Aéroport.
Please get in touch with ″Paris Aéroport″ for all queries relative to airport operations such as safety & security, car parks,…

Online form for feedback & complaints

Please click here to fill a form


Call 3950 (€0,35/min.).
From outside France dial +33 1 70 36 39 50.


Paris Aéroport, Service relations clients
3 Place de Londres
Bâtiment 6061/ Uranus
BP 81007 Roissy CDG Cedex

Useful contacts

Medical help & emergencies

■ Please proceed at Terminal 2F (Arrival level, Exit 17a)
Tel : + 33 (0)1 48 62 28 01

French Customs

Tel : + 33 (0)1 48 62 62 85


Tel : + 33 (0)1 48 62 31 22

Contact ″EASY CDG″

If you have suggestions on how I can improve your experience on EASY CDG website, please let me know !
EASY CDG is not affiliated with the official site and is an independent guide to the airport.


