Travelling between Terminal 2 and Train station
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

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Please select your transfer

Terminal 2 To Train station

Average journey time in public area :
Terminal 2AB = 15 min ; Terminal 2CD = 10 min ; Terminal 2EF = 10 min ; Terminal 2G = 20-25 min

Welcome to Charles de Gaulle Airport 
After disembarking, follow the Sortie-Exit signage.
Get your luggage.
Arrival Terminal 2A

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), turn right.
Go straight on.
Walk through Terminal 2C, go straight on.

Arrival Terminal 2B

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), proceed upstairs.
Go straight on.
Walk through Terminal 2D, go straight on.

Arrival Terminal 2C

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), turn right.
Go straight on.

Arrival Terminal 2D

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), proceed upstairs.
Go straight on.
Walk through Terminal 2D, go straight on.

Arrival Terminal 2E

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), turn left.
Go straight on.
At the end of the terminal, take the escalator up.

Arrival Terminal 2F

Out of the baggage reclaim area (after the automatic doors), turn right.
Go straight on.
At the end of the terminal, take the escalator up.

Arrival Terminal 2G

Exit the terminal and catch N2 shuttle bus towards Terminal 2F.

Follow the indications Trains.
Walk through the connecting corridor.

Corridor ends nearby the train station lobby.

Look for the appropriate sign and follow it to the side.

Take the escalator down.

Once again, take the escalator down.

Follow the direction Grandes lignes (long distance trains) OR Paris by train RER B.
At this level, you can buy train tickets from ticket windows or self service kiosks.

To long distance trains :
Proceed to platforms 3-6.
If you need information about TGV, click here!

To RER B trains :
Proceed to platforms 11-12.
Pass through the ticket barrier.
If you need information about RER, click here!

Take the escalator down to access the platform.
Bon voyage !

Train station To Terminal 2
10-25 min. depending on your location

Journey time in public area :
Terminal 2AB = 15 min ; Terminal 2CD = 10 min ; Terminal 2EF = 10 min ; Terminal 2G = 20-25 min

Welcome to the TGV-RER station Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 2 
After getting off the train, on the platform, take the escalator up.

Upstairs, walk towards the automatic doors.

In the lobby, to the side, take the escalator up.

On the mezzanine, you can check your flight information.

According to your direction,
take the escalator up towards Terminals 1, 2B, 2D, 2F, 2G, 3
or, on the other side, escalator towards 2A, 2C, 2E.

In the lobby, head to your terminal by following the appropriate signage.

Go through the connecting corridor, straight on to your terminal.
To reach Terminal 2G : catch the N2 shuttle bus at Terminal 2F.
Bon voyage !